Healthy Habits – Crafting Them the Easy Way

by | Mar 7, 2023 | Articles

Changing habits is not easy. Do you know that it takes an average of 83 days to form a new habit? Research shows that our strongest habits have formed greater neural pathways in our brains. This explains why we find it challenging to change a daily habit we have performed thousands of times.

 The way you live your life and the choices you make daily largely determine the level of your health. We make New Year’s resolutions easily but soon after we start working on creating a new habit, we are faced with the re-emergence of old habits and start blaming ourselves for lacking will-power or strength of character.

 Yes, it is not just about will-power and motivation. 

 We usually know what we are supposed to do, but we merely cannot get ourselves to do it. We know we need to exercise, eat healthily, get enough sleep, do self-care activities but still find it hard to stick with our health goals for a long enough period to form a habit. 


 1.Take a simple step-by-step approach.

Choose something easy and simple and start we that. When we lack motivation, it is less possible to stick to a complex habit requiring a lot of effort. For example, if you would like to create a regular exercise routine lasting 45 minutes daily, it might be appropriate to start first with a simple 10-minute daily exercise routine before hitting the gym for longer training.

 2.Connect the new habit to existing well-established behavior.

 Figure out what your existing habits are and connect the new habit to an existing one. For example, you can journal or do 20 squats when you are waiting for your tea or coffee to get ready. By using this system, you do not need to remember anything, and it becomes automatic. 

You can find out more about how to journal for less stress HERE.

3.Remember that small steps matter, and it all adds up.

 Contrary to what you have heard, taking small, consistent steps will get you there. If you would like to introduce calming practices before you go to bed, start with 5 minutes of meditation two to three times per week. In the beginning, this might look too simple and easy, but over time you can add another 5 minutes and experience the benefits of a longer practice. Starting with something longer or more demanding will easily overwhelm you, and you will struggle to maintain it over time.


 If you have become aware that something needs to change, you want to change but are not sure what to do or where to start, consider scheduling a FREE 30-minute discovery session with me where we can discuss your health goals and how I can best support you.


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